Strong Defense For Rape And Date Rape Charges
Rape is illegal everywhere in the country because it is a violent act that involves forcefully making someone to have sex against their will. The actual name for this offense and other types of sex offenses is “criminal sexual conduct,” but many people are familiar with the term “rape” when forcing someone into a sexual act. If you have been charged with this act, a conviction can result in very serious penalties. These penalties involve prison time, registration as a sex offender, seizure of personal property and loss of the right to own a firearm. These consequences are why you need a Minneapolis rape defense attorney in your corner.
The Defense You Need
Regardless of the reasons for the charges, you have rights, and those rights need to be protected. An accusation of rape – whether it is statutory, date rape or another form of sexual assault – is very serious. Not only can you lose your freedom, property and the right to own a firearm, but you can also lose the ability to vote, face immigrant consequences and face issues finding a job later. Your entire life can change.
Even if a conviction is unavoidable, it is possible to have the penalties reduced as much as possible. If you believe that there is no way you could avoid the maximum penalties, you may be surprised at what an experienced sex crimes defense lawyer can do. Jennifer Speas has the experience, track record and knowledge of the system to build a solid defense.
Protect Your Future
The goal of having a Minneapolis rape defense attorney in your corner is to fight for the best possible future. It’s not always necessary to simply accept the charges. In fact, it’s hardly ever necessary. Ms. Speas can evaluate the details of your case to determine the best course of action. This strategy may be one that can result in minimum penalties or none at all, as there are times when rape cases are completely dismissed or the defendant acquitted.
Contact A Minneapolis Rape Defense Attorney
A rape charge is a serious charge and one that could change the rest of your life or the life of your loved one, especially if convicted. Regardless of why the charge was filed, there may be circumstances that lead to a much better conclusion than if you didn’t have representation or the charges were simply accepted. To learn about how the Speas Law Firm, P.A., can help you, call 612-284-1463 to request an initial consultation.