Fighting Promotion Of Prostitution Charges
Prostitution is a crime in most states, as it is the act of offering sex in exchange for money. Prostitutes who are caught selling sex are usually charged with a misdemeanor. However, those who solicit, pimp or traffic other people to act as prostitutes face greater penalties than the actual prostitutes and their “johns.” If prostitution involves a minor, then the penalties are even harsher. Regardless of why you are charged with the promotion of prostitution, you need a Minneapolis prostitution attorney to help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.
What Does Promoting Prostitution Entail?
A person who is accused of promoting prostitution is someone who has acted as a “madam” or “pimp,” and they may be charged with a felony. A person is guilty of promotion of prostitution in Minnesota if they have intentionally done any of the following:
- Solicited or induced an individual to practice prostitution
- Promoted the prostitution of another individual
- Receives money from the prostitution of another
- Engaging in sex trafficking of another person
Jennifer Speas can create a solid defense for you. She has helped clients throughout Minneapolis, St. Paul and the entire Twin Cities secure the best outcomes in their cases.
Fighting For Your Future
In Minnesota, a person convicted of certain types of prostitution-related crimes may be required to register as a sex offender.
Minnesota Statute 609.327 Subd. 9 defines prostitution as the act of offering or agreeing to exchange sexual contact for money. A person who has previously been convicted of prostitution within the past two years may be charged with a gross misdemeanor.
If a person engages in prostitution with someone under the age of 18 may result in a felony and that means the penalties greatly increase, especially when the alleged victim is under the age of 16. The penalties worsen when the alleged victim is under the age of 13.
In Minnesota, a person convicted of certain types of prostitution-related crimes may be required to register as a sex offender.
Contact A Minneapolis Prostitution Attorney
Promoting prostitution is a serious offense that can result in prison time and a host of other penalties that can have a long-term effect on your life or your loved one’s life. If you or a family member has been charged with promotion of prostitution, it is important to seek proper representation as soon as possible. To learn more about how the Speas Law Firm, P.A., can help you, call 612-284-1463 to request an initial consultation.